With last beta version of Drupal 8, I have this error:
Error message Unable to install Nature Theme - Structure and configuration, block.block.kyna_block_aboutus, block.block.kyna_block_blog_more_content, block.block.kyna_block_navbar, block.block.kyna_block_user_login, block.block.kyna_block_user_menu_account, field.field.node.article.field_kyna_article_slideshow, field.field.node.kyna_folio.body, field.field.node.kyna_folio.field_kyna_folio_client, [...] image.style.kyna_image_medium, node.type.kyna_folio, system.menu.kyna-navbar, taxonomy.vocabulary.kyna_client, views.view.kyna_blog, views.view.kyna_folio, views.view.kyna_home already exist in active configuration.
Why can't I reinstall my module? I don't have this error with previous version of Drupal 8 when I try to install my module after an uninstall.
How share my site configuration (block, field, view, etc.) without this problem please?