This seems so simple, there -must- be a way, right?
I want to modify the title of a menu link dynamically. I've tried the techniques in this question:
Change menu link title dynamically?
...The last one ( using menu_token() module) seemed promising, but that threw an error when I tried to apply it to the menu item in question.
I also tried the technique here:
...but that only modifies the Page title... not the link of the -menu-.
So I tried the following code, which doesn't appear to do anything (although I am sure that the variable is being assigned.)
Any other ideas? I must be missing something -obvious-, right?
function MY_THEME_preprocess_menu_link(&$variables) {
if (isset($variables['element']['#original_link']['menu_name'])) {
if($variables['element']['#original_link']['menu_name'] == 'secondary-navigation') {
if($variables['element']['#title'] == 'Cart') {
$new_title = 'Cart(4)' ;
$variables['element']['#original_link']['link_title'] = $new_title;
$variables['element']['#title'] = $new_title;
} }
EDIT: I also tried this:
function MYMODULE_menu_link_alter(&$item) {
// add in an if statement here to just target the links you want to change on the fly
$item['options']['alter'] = TRUE;
function MYMODULE_translated_menu_link_alter(&$item, $map) { if($item['mlid']==1166) { // the watchdog fires properly watchdog('test', '
' . print_r($item, 1) . '');
$item['link_title'] = 'Cart(x)'; $item['title'] = 'Cart(x)';
} }
...and the above did not work either.
This has gotta be something obvious, right?
options. The fact that those hooks don't fire when the link is rendered is not really an issue, as they are not doing the dynamic modification directly, their other complementary hooks/callbacks are doing that (and those do fire each time the link is rendered).