My module has a dependency to specific version of Media module (7.x-2.0-alpha4) and I have specified that in my info file as documented in Writing module .info files (Drupal 7.x) documentation, just like this:
name = mymodule
description = MyModule description.
package = Media
dependencies[] = file_entity
dependencies[] = media (7.x-2.0-alpha4)
dependencies[] = media_internet
dependencies[] = views
When I try to enable my module with it's dependencies drush en -y mymodule
, Drush downloads current stable version of media
module (7.x-1.5) instead of the specified one and then enabling my module fails because of unmet dependency. I'm doing this on plain Drupal installation v7.34, DevDesktop stack v 2 RC build Mar 18 2015, Drush v7.0.0-alpha9 (from DevDesktop).
I have also tried to specify the version as (2.0-alpha4)
and (2.x)
- without success.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any hints!