For a node listing on a taxonomy term page, like:


It's currently using the node template I set up just for when you are looking at a node:


I added this code to hook_preprocess_node:

if(arg(0) == 'taxonomy') {
  array_push($vars['theme_hook_suggestions'], 'node_taxonomy');

The node template file name I want to use is:


I confirmed the hook is running but it's still using:


What am I doing wrong?

Update 1: According to the source code theme_hook_suggestions are listed in reverse priority order, so I changed array_unshift to array_push.

Update 2: I am correctly seeing in Devel themer that my template should be used first, even when it isn't:

node_taxonomy < node_14 < node_spot < sites/all/themes/hotness/templates/node--spot.tpl.php


2 Answers 2


This answer had two parts:

  1. As detailed in my Update #1, you have to put your suggestion last in the theme_hook_suggestions array, as last is highest priority.

  2. Your template files must be named with two dashes, not one.

File system:


As added to theme_hook_suggestions array:



Actually there is $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'] in hook_preprocess_node, $vars is in hook_preprocess_page I guess.

  • It is totally up to you how do you want to name the variable $variables oder $vars, it doesn't matter.
    – Elin Y.
    Commented Dec 28, 2013 at 23:22

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