I'm creating forms with the webform module. I'd like to add 'directions for filling out the form at the top of the form. I'd like those directions to include a link to another form if users clicked the wrong form.
This seems like it should be simple to do, but I can't figure out how to do it. When I add the directions with the link in a and put that at the top I get the link but no paragraphs, just one long running line of text, no matter how I split it up in the editor window. If I use a field, not only does it look ugly (even when disabled), because it has a white background on a gray background site, but it displays the link as html code etc..
I have wysiwyg enabled on my site and it shows up in other places but not on these editor windows so I can't use that (or select filtered html/full as those options also aren't available) in those data types I tried.
Anyone know a way to do this?