My alias file was the problem:
$aliases['devyau'] = array(
'uri'=> 'dev.[sitename]',
'root'=> '/var/www/vhosts/dev.[sitename]/',
'db-url' => 'mysql://[username]:[password]/devDBname',
My alias file apparently didn't have enough data to function.
See my previous question at:
drush sql-sync fails
burnsjeremy provided this model alias file, which answered my question and allowed me to use Drush again! Thanks!
$remote_sites = '/path/to/site'; // usually /var/www/drupal-root-name
$aliases[''] = array(
'uri' => '',
'remote-host' => '{ip to remote}',
'remote-user' => '{remote ssh user}',
'root' => $remote_sites,
'ssh-options' => '-p {if you ssh in on another port like 2222}',
'path-aliases' => array(
'%drush-script' => '/root/.composer/vendor/bin/drush', // This is so you can
have multiple drush installs and use different ones on different sites.
'php'=> '/usr/local/bin/php', // Again if you have different php's for
different sites.
'%site' => 'sites/default/', // This is the important part here, it will
ensure the proper bootstrap
'%dump-dir' => '/path/to/drush.dbdumps', // This is where you want to dump
your databases, normally /tmp folder I think.
'%files' => $remote_sites . '/files' // Your sites file folder, incase it is
somewhere else.
// You may actually need this, especially if you are running D7 since I
haven't ever tested the db-url thing on D7 or above.
'databases' => array (
'default' => array (
'default' => array (
'driver' => 'mysql',
'database' => '{db_name}',
'username' => '{db_user}',
'password' => '{db_pass}',