My theme, Riley, highlights menu item of the page that you're on. (for example). I suspect this is a function of Drupal and not specific to the theme. First question: is this generally true?
If the answer to the first question is no and it is theme specific, then I can try to ask the theme makers the next question. Otherwise, my next question is, when I have multiple menu links that link to the current page, it will highlight the last link. How can I get it to highlight the first link instead? I am comfortable modifying PHP code.
For example, Menu Tab 1 contains link to current page P1 and deep within Menu Tab 2 also contains a link to P1, then it will only highlight the P1 link in Menu Tab 2.
Any thoughts / suggestions would be appreciated!
Setup: Apache 2.2, PHP 5.3, Drupal 7.34, PostgreSQL 9.2