I have product images that I want to appear in a view. Easy enough. At the same time I have 6 different product types. So what I'm trying to do is create a view that is 6 columns across. Each column is a different product type. Then each product will fall into 1 of 6 categories. Some columns will have 4 items, some 7. I cannot seem to do this with the "Grid" layout. Which seems the best way to do this. Any suggestions?

  • Table would probably be the way to go or making your own views handler/template if you don't actually want "table" markup, since you can exclude at a more global level if the field is empty, when you swap over to table you will see the settings that have "exclude" this row if empty. That is usually the way I accomplish this task. Commented Jul 11, 2015 at 5:48
  • Is your product type a taxonomy?
    – DMAC
    Commented Jul 13, 2015 at 21:45
  • You can create individual views blocks for each product types you want and display them using Views Field View Module, This module allows you to embed a view as a field in a view.
    – echo
    Commented Jul 15, 2015 at 5:00

1 Answer 1


What I would do is add a taxonomy with 6 "product-types" terms, then add a term reference field in contentype, make "6 content pane views" displaying your contentype and filtering on term reference, and with panels module (or display suite) do a 6 column display with all fields that you require, each view will have it's own column, and you are done.

  • MacLean Fitzgerald, Please "up vote" my answer; thanks.
    – pinueve
    Commented Jul 15, 2015 at 19:20

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