I'm using Entity API, Form API and Entity Reference Autocomplete in Drupal.
I have a relationship between two types, clubs and courses, each club
can have many courses
so basically the table course
contains a column called goclid
which references the club
id number like so:
// hook_schema()
$schema['course'] = array(
// other fields...
'goclid' => array(
'description' => 'Reference to the club',
'type' => 'int',
'unsigned' => TRUE,
'not null' => TRUE,
// ... a few lines later...
'foreign key' => array(
'related_club' => array( // join alias
'table' => 'club',
'columns' => array('goclid' => 'id'),
// etc.
Then I include a field like so in the course
$form['goclid'] = array(
'#title' => t('Reference to the club'),
'#type' => 'entityreference',
'#era_entity_type' => 'club',
'#default_value' => isset($course->goclid) ? $course->goclid : '',
'#required' => FALSE,
Now, the autocomplete gives suggestions only when I type an id number, and then populates the field value with the label (name of the golf club). What I want is exactly the opposite: I want to get suggestions by typing the name of the club, and then when I choose one, the form field should be populated with the id number of that object.
Why is Entity Reference Autocomplete behaving in an unexpected way? What can I do to obtain the desired behaviour?
EDIT: to understand the solution look not only at the answer but also at the comments that I left below the answer; the answer itself only explains how to get the suggestions working but does not explain how to build and save the entity object in your submit function.