How to remove any duplicate messages of a certain type.

For example when performing 2 searches using the search api module before rendering the page the message "To perform a search you must enter at least 3 characters" may be displayed twice.

1 Answer 1


Use the following function to remove any duplicate messages of a certain type:

 * @param $type - the type of messages that should be checked
 * Removes any duplicate messages from the messages session
function remove_duplicate_messages($type) {
  $stack = array();
  if(isset($_SESSION['messages'][$type])) {
    foreach($_SESSION['messages'][$type] as $k => $msg) {
      if(in_array($msg, $stack)) {
        // Message is already set - remove it
      } else {
        // Add message to stack
        $stack[] = $msg;

Example use:


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