I want to move menu tabs to occur in the main menu region instead of immediately above the content. I cannot identify a block that contains them. Is there a module, template location or a hook for controlling their display?

4 Answers 4


"I cannot identify a block that contains them." There is not a block that contains these. In Drupal 7, these tabs are a variable called $tabs found in /modules/system/page.tpl.php.

You could suppress these tabs by overriding page.tpl.php in your theme.

To put them in another region, you could:

  1. Implement hook_preprocess_page(&$variables, $hook) in your theme's template.php or in a custom module.
  2. Copy the contents of the $variables['tabs'] array key into another region.

If you want them in a block so you can easily place them using the UI, you can use the Local Tasks block or Omega Tools (Sub module called Delta Blocks) or Blockify modules.


They are in the $tabs variable that's available to page.tpl.php so changing where it's printing them is the quickest way.


I found another way as well. The breadcrumbs can be placed in a panel. I am creating a site using the Panels Everywhere module and have bypassed the standard theming process using page.tpl.php which gives me a clean slate to work from and have created a mini panel that contains my main menu, breadcrumbs and menu tabs in one package.

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