Part 1: Views between dates filter
Refer to How to filter events between two dates for detailed documentation about how you can make this work, using the Views between dates filter module. Here are some more details about this module (from its project page):
This Views filter provides the between date functionality you've been looking for by answering the question: "What events are on this date?" It displays all content (comparing start and end dates) occurring on a specified date.
Creating this functionality with standard Date filters requires two filters: start date less than or equal (<=) to the supplied date and end date greater than or equal (>=) to the supplied date. The problem is two filters means users must enter a date range, when technically selecting "September" is a range: September 1st to the 30th.
It compares two date fields with one supplied date. Effectively it is the opposite of the standard Date Views "between" operator, which compares one date field with two supplied dates.
This module can be used to filter events on ONE date (and NOT a range of date, as its name suggests!).
To use this approach, it is required that you already have a content type with a date field. It is not necessary to have two fields to adjust an "end date" for the event, only a date field with the "Collect an end date."
Part 2: Update the dates to next year
With the approach described in "Part 1", you should be able to achieve your goal for the first year already. To make it work after 1 year also, you should create a mechanism to automatically update the date field you're using, to add "1 year" to the date stored in the date field.
There are a few possible approaches to do this. One approach is like so:
Build a view to list the nodes for which the date in the date field has passed, and use the Views Bulk Operations module to transform that list in something that can be processed by the Rules module.
Create a Rules component to process the nodes in this list, which updates the date field (to add "1 year" to the date stored in the date field).