Pattern for taxonomy terms is [term:parent]/[term:name]
where car is parent and BMW is child
Path is looking like this when I am on child term page:
In menu I have link to /car and when I am there it displays a list of all child terms. Thats fine.
But when I generate XML sitemap I see /car/bmw (all good), but for strange reason there is link taxonomy/term/1 and which leads to page without any content or terms in it, while it should redirect to /car.
There is no /car link found.
To avoid duplicate content I am not sure how to avoid this. I tried recreating all paths bit no luck
To elaborate in more details. Vocabulary has several parents, each 100 childs. Childs are displaying correctly as i have described above. For each parent i created separate view to display several fields. Filter is set to Taxonomy Term: Parent term. Is equal to "value", where value is taxonomy tid. Lets say that for this view value is 1 (term car) I also have relationship with Identifier: Parent. Require this relationship is on.
Path is set to /car Menu to Normal menu item "CAR".
When i go on homepage and click on menu item CAR everything is fine.
In meantime i deleted and bulk updated all taxonomy and now instead of getting old /taxonomy/term/1 or "/car" path for tid 1, i got "car-0".
View that is in menu "CAR" is still displaying ok, path is ok ("car"), but sitemap cant find this url but instead finds "car-0". Going to path "car-0" displaying nothing, not the terms nor the content it is tagged with.