On my project, I have a custom table for some custom permissions for users. I want all permissions for a user loaded on each page like $user. I created a custom module and set the global variable $cperms in hook_init() which contains all custom permissions for current logged in user.

These values are available on site pages but I am not sure it is good to use hook_init() to set global data. Is there any proper method?

  • 1
    First, why the custom table? Why not use Drupal permissions and roles? The Drupal user permissions and roles is one of the easiest and most extendable user/permissions scheme that I've seen out there, I highly doubt the need for anything custom vs using the Drupal user/role/permission base. They also integrate with most contrib modules easily. That being said you would want to actually use a custom access function to use in either a preprocessing function or if you are wanting to restrict a view then you would use the access function in a views access plugin. Many ways to use it this way. Commented Nov 8, 2015 at 4:12

2 Answers 2


It sounds like you're reinventing the wheel here; as @burnsjeremy mentions, there's already an effective system built into Drupal for storing permissions.

hook_permission() allows any module to define its own custom permissions that can be set per-role. Once implemented, user_access() can be called to check a user for custom permissions.

If you need some data that is more granular (i.e. at the per-user level), the global $user object has an array property called data. $user->data is loaded/saved with the user object and should always be available to you.

  • I am trying to maintain user base permissions but not role based that also depends upon current page user is on thats why I had to maintain them in a custom table.
    – Vikram
    Commented Nov 10, 2015 at 3:09

from a custom module you can add global variables by prefixing the variable name with global keyword.

global $my_global_var;

another way to use the variables from anywhere is by using the variable_get() and variable_set() functions.

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