New to JS / CSS
How do I change / control the position of a sticky navigation bar to go below Admin toolbar when in Admin mode?
Site uses:
- Subtheme of Omega / Commerce Kickstart
- Through subtheming, I have two sticky "zones": (1) user (contains login/checkout); (2) menu-super (main menu)
- User zone is sticky and came as part of the Commerce Kickstart theme and works in both regular user and admin mode.
- My new "Menu-Super" works in regular user mode, but disappears behind the admin toolbar when viewing as an admin. (less than ideal.)
In the js file, I found the following:
// Handle user toolbar when user is admin and have admin toolbar enabled.
Drupal.behaviors.commerce_kickstart_theme_custom_toolbar = {
attach: function(context, settings) {
if ($('body').hasClass('toolbar')) {
$(window, context).resize(function() {
var toolbarHeight = $('div#toolbar').height();
$('.zone-user-wrapper').css('top', toolbarHeight + 'px');
I tried repurposing this code to handle my new zone, but no dice. When I clear cache, I can see the zone built and then pop up under the admin bar. What am I missing here?
Drupal.behaviors.commerce_kickstart_theme_custom_toolbar = {
attach: function(context, settings) {
if ($('body').hasClass('toolbar')) {
$(window, context).resize(function() {
var toolbarHeight = $('div#toolbar').height();
var zoneuserHeight = $('div#toolbar').height()+ $('div#zone-user').height();
$('.zone-menu-super-wrapper').css('top', zoneuserHeight + 'px');
where the css file specifies
User Zone (Working)
.zone-user-wrapper {
background-color: #666666;
height: 32px;
width: 100%; }
Super Menu Zone (Not working)
.zone-menu-super-wrapper {
background-color: #9E4934; /*Monkey brown*/
height: 36px;
width: 100%;
position: fixed;
top: 32px;
z-index: 99;}