I'm on Drupal 8,

I'm using \Drupal::entityQuery('block') to get the list of blocks.

Now I want to determine if the block is visible for:

  • Current Page (Content Type)
  • Current User (Role)
  • Current Path

I want this information according to visibility settings configured in block's configuration.

I can use $block->getVisibility() method when I load the block and there I can iterate through visibility settings and find out if the block is visible or not.

I wander if there is a better and easier way to do this??

2 Answers 2


Checking view access to a block includes visibility checks. so you can just do this: if ($block->access('view')).

Why do you want this information? block.module has a block.repository service with a getVisibleBlocksPerRegion() which gives you exactly that. a list of visible blocks, grouped by region.

  • Hi @Berdir, Thank you for your answer, it worked and did what I wanted :) The reason I'm doing this is that I have some blocks I want to print in {{ page_bottom }} not in a region. I need this because I want to have functionality where users will be able to embed third party services at the bottom of the page.
    – otarza
    Commented Jan 5, 2016 at 7:34
  • 2
    I see. Not sure about your structure, but by default, page_bottom is immediately after page. So why not just make a block region that's at the end of page.html.twig and place your blocks there?
    – Berdir
    Commented Jan 5, 2016 at 9:30
  • Good point, I thought about that but we had a requirement in which user doesn't have to add region manually. If user installs module it should work without adding a new region.
    – otarza
    Commented Jan 6, 2016 at 8:13

$block->access('view') is helping me check if a particular block is accessible on the current page or not.

I need something that can help me check block access for some other page as well. For eg., I provide page_url and it returns if a block is accessible on that given page or not.

Any suggestions will really help.

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