I'm theming a Drupal 7 site and I'd like to add a class to all the blocks in a given region using preprocess_block().

I think this should work, but it doesn't seem to:

function MYTHEME_preprocess_block(&$variables) {
        // Other stuff in this function
        $variables['title_attributes_array']['class'][] = 'title';

        // Now I want to add a 'col-md-4' class to all the blocks in the 'bottom-content' region
        if($variables['block']->region == 'bottom-content') {

Any ideas why this isn't working?

  • Are you sure your block region name is correct?
    – Manikandan
    Commented Jan 20, 2016 at 8:02

1 Answer 1


As manikandan kannan is saying, you probably have the name of the region wrong. It probably is: 'content_bottom'

So your if-statement would become:

if($variables['block']->region == 'content_bottom') { ...
  • The word order was right, but it was an underscore instead of a minus sign. Changing it to 'bottom_content' solved the problem. I should have looked in my MYTHEME.info file sooner - it lists all the regions appropriately. Commented Jan 21, 2016 at 0:17

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