what i want to perform (globally) is to import a csv
file that contains data such as book_title, author, and the cover image of the books. The csv file is loaded, book_title and author are stored in their respective tables but for pictures, what i want is to put them manually (ftp for example) on a folder (doesn't matter if it's my default public folder or a new one) and store data in tables like : file_managed
and field_data_field_cover_picture
In my csv file, and for pictures column i just write filenames of every picture.
At the moment, i'm confused and this is my actual code :
$filename_cover = $get_filename.'.jpg'; <===from csv
$add_cover_file = db_insert('file_managed')
// ->key(array('fid' => rand()))
'uid' => $user->uid,
'filename' => $filename_cover ,
'uri' => 'public://couvertures/'.$filename_couv,<==my file
'filemime' => 'application/octet-stream',
'status' => 1,
'timestamp' => time()
Now adding on the pictures covers table : (how to put the fid
$add_couverture = db_merge('field_data_field_photo_de_couverture')
->key(array('entity_id' => $newNode->nid, 'field_photo_de_couverture_fid'=>$add_couv_file->fid ))
'field_photo_de_couverture_fid'=>$get_fid ,
'entity_id' => $newNode->nid,
'delta' => 0,
'bundle' => 'livre',
'entity_type' => 'node'