I am using the field collection module to create my Content. I have 10 text content. For ease of CSS class, I put each content in separate fields and apply the class using the field formatter module
, So I have 10 fields and putting 10 text content in each one.
Now same thing I can achieve by just making <div></div>
10 times in body of CKEditor (just one field), For example,
<div>Text content 1</div>
<div>Text content 2</div>
<div>Text content 3</div>
<div>Text content 10</div>
Now, in terms of performance will it affect the speed/loading of webpage of drupal 7 sites, if I go by 10 separate field or with one html code with 10 div? I am preferring 10 separate field method, because it is easy to handle editing and updating if needed.
Kind Note: To Moderators, please do not categories this question as opinion based, because i do not have experience with in-terms of performance of website, so I need suggestion/Comparison between this two methods from more experience Drupal developers. Thanks