I'm using the Drupal WorldPay module (for Commerce 7.x-1.11).
On the checkout page it says "Pay via WorldPay". I want to change this. I've traced it back to a line in the module:
function commerce_worldpay_bg_commerce_payment_method_info() { $payment_methods = array(); $payment_methods['commerce_worldpay_bg'] = array( 'title' => t('Payment via Worldpay'), 'description' => t('Integration with Worldpay\'s Business Gateway method.'), 'active' => TRUE, 'offsite' => TRUE, 'offsite_autoredirect' => TRUE, 'callbacks' => array(), ); return $payment_methods; }
'title' => t('Payment via Worldpay'),
I think I can override this in the theme template.php but have no idea how, and there seems to be very few instructions on how one might go about it.