I have a standard contact page created using webform, which has a set of radio buttons.

Is it possible to change the pre-selected radio option based on the referring page?

4 Answers 4


I would add ?selectValue=yourvalue to the links pointing to your webform.

Then, create a template node--webform.tpl.php, check if i'm in the correct webform with the $node object and if $_GET['selectValue'] is set. Then use jQuery to select my radio button.

It might not by the perfect solution, but it's clearly a way out!

  • This solution needs jQuery enabled, there is better approaches on this topic like tokens or just do a custom form_alter
    – jorgetutor
    Commented Aug 5, 2014 at 17:09

With Webform you can pre-populate form default values via the url with tokens:

Setting Default Values from the URL (7.x-3 and earlier)

The %get[key] supported by Webform allows form values to be populated from the URL.

Setting Default Values from the URL (7.x-4)

To set the default values of a component to use either:

Query Format: For urls formatted like http://example.com/node/120?key=bar use [current-page:query:key] to return key value.,

Args Format: For urls formatted like http://example.com/node/120/key use [current-page:url:args:2] to return key.

Taken verbatim from webform docs


In Drupal 8 using Webforms module you can do the following:


Add: '#default_value': 'Yes'

To the radio button defined in the YML.


When you are adding new field in webform, select "Select option" in the type of field. After that you will get a field configuration page. In field configuration page you will see 3rd option as default value. You can put default value for that field.

  • When I set the default value there, it is the same no matter what page you come from. I want the default option to change. Eg. if clicking the webform link from the sales page, then the sales enquiry radio option is pre-selected by default; if clicking webform from about us page, then general enquiry option is pre-selected.
    – Rooneyl
    Commented Jan 12, 2012 at 8:23

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