In a custom module I have defined a display suite field like so:
namespace Drupal\custom_dsfields\Plugin\DsField;
use Drupal\ds\Plugin\DsField\DsFieldBase;
* Plugin that renders the field.
* @DsField(
* id = "total_hours",
* title = @Translation("Total hours"),
* entity_type = "node",
* provider = "custom_dsfields",
* )
class MyField extends DsFieldBase
* {@inheritdoc}
public function build(){
$node = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('node');
$entities = [];
$hours = [];
foreach ($node->field_hours as $key => $value) {
array_push($entities, $value->target_id);
$entities = entity_load_multiple('user_entities', $entities, $reset = FALSE);
foreach ($entities as $key => $value) {
array_push($hours, $value->field_hours->value);
$hours_sum = array_sum($hours);
return array(
'#markup' => '<strong>Total hours for this day ' . $hours_sum . '</strong>'
// '#theme' => 'item_list',
// '#items' => $hours_sum
In the default display this works perfect. (open to improvements But when I use a view, and display the teaser display with this field in it then the field is not working. Why is this?
Some things I am questioning...
- Am I loading the node in the correct way as I am not entirely sure what routeMatch() is doing.
- Should I be doing this in a view template (hope not)
Thanks DSE!