You can create a custom module and implement hook_menu_alter
for taxonomy terms.
In your custom callback you then filter by your taxonomy and intercept the ones you want and pass the rest to the default handler.
On the ones that you intercept you then render a custom view for that taxonomy. That view will just be a normal default view (no page) with an attachment as well. You set the attachment to the top of the other view and show teasers. The other view will show links only with an offset to not show the teaser nodes as well. Your view will be constructed with appropriate contextual filters that you will pass.
Your MODULE.module
function MODULE_menu_alter(&$items){
// change taxonomy view path for certain vocabularies
$items['taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term']['page arguments'][] = $items['taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term']['page callback'];
$items['taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term']['page callback'] = 'MODULE_taxonomy_term_callback';
$items['taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term']['file path'] = drupal_get_path('module', 'MODULE') . '/includes';
$items['taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term']['file'] = '';
file (located at MODULE/includes
function MODULE_taxonomy_term_callback($term, $callback) {
$function = __FUNCTION__ . '_' . $term->vocabulary_machine_name;
if (function_exists($function)) {
return $function($term);
module_load_include('inc', 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy.pages');
return $callback($term);
// one for each vocabulary
function MODULE_taxonomy_term_callback_TAXONOMYVOCABULARYMACHINENAME($term){
$view = views_get_view('VIEW_MACHINE_NAME');
return $view->render();
You View(s) will be as follows:
Contextual filter: Content (taxonomy in question)
When the filter value is not available
- Provide default value: Taxonomy term ID from URL
- Load default filter from term page.