Create a custom template file for the English landing page first (for example: page-customfront.tpl.php
) then add the following code into your theme template.php file:
function mytheme_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
global $language;
if (drupal_is_front_page() && $language->language == 'en') {
$variables['template_file'] = 'page-customfront';
This should do the trick (assuming English will remain the default language with no prefix). Don't forget to switch out mytheme
in the function name with your actual theme name.
As for the language links you could use the following code:
$langs = language_list();
foreach ($langs as $lang) {
if ($lang->enabled) {
if ($lang->language == 'en') continue;
print l($lang->native, '<front>', array('language' => $lang));
This should go into page-customfront.tpl.php
in the place where you want the links to appear. If you are familiar with creating custom modules or don't mind learning it would probably be preferable to turn this code into a function, add it your module file, enable the module and then just call the function from page-customfront.tpl.php