I have these nodes : Company, Cars, Trucks (cars and truck have a taxonomy term to give it's type). Cars and Trucks have a field named Company wich refer to the Company node.
So i can locate the vehicle location on a map. I know how to create a form wich allow the company's administrator to add some cars (with this subject : How do I embed a node creation form inside a view)
But i want to give a field like "Select your vehicule's type" -> "Car" or "Truck" and it shows the right form to add a new vehicle.
I want too, restrict the selection of vehicules types by user group. Then me as an administrator i want to have the possibility to select all types of vehicle, but an user group like "Motorbike Company" can use only "Motorbikes" or allow "Truck company" to use "Trucks" and Cars".
And finaly, in Campany i've a field "Vehicles" and when the company's administrator add a new vehicle, i want it add too in the "Vehicles" field of the "Company" node.
Can you help me to did that ? I use Views and Display Suite. i'm novice with Drupal and i request your help :)