I want to add flag counter of content in views field. Authenticated users can flag(bookmark) contents. I want to know how many users flaged a content, And I want to add this in views field(display the number of times a node is flagged by a certain flag by Users).

Notice; I'm using "Search API Index" in content part of views

How can I do it?

UPDATE Question after using Vicky8888 method;

I added below code in global php field of views

   $flag = flag_get_flag('bookmarks');
   if ($flag) {
  print "Number of Flags:";
  print $flag->get_count($node->nid);

this code work in tpl.php file of content type, But It's showing "0" in views. I got several errors in picture too.

enter image description here

after that I using JS code of Vicky8888.

Drupal.behaviors.your-theme = {

 attach: function (context, settings) { 

 //add your available class below
    jQuery('.view-id-top_users.view-display-id-page .views-field-php .flag-link-toggle').click(function(){

        jQuery(document).ajaxComplete(function() {

I cleared "your-theme" and added "adaptivetheme", and cleared classes and added ".view-content .views-field.views-field-php .field-content .flag-link-toggle".

after that I using this code in separate file and added


in adaptivetheme.info file.

I cleared cache and run cron too. but It didn't work too.

1 Answer 1


Use these two modules drupal like and flag simultaneously

Go to /admin/structure/flags create flag ,and configure it properly.

Go to your view add Global: PHP field

print flag_create_link('bookmarks',$node->nid);

 $counts = flag_get_counts('node', $node->nid);
 echo $counts['bookmarks'] .' Likes';
      echo"no user flaged a content";


And at last put this code in your themes js file

Drupal.behaviors.your-theme = {

 attach: function (context, settings) { 

 //add your available class below
    jQuery('.view-id-top_users.view-display-id-page .views-field-php .flag-link-toggle').click(function(){

        jQuery(document).ajaxComplete(function() {

To add the flag link in your content type use code:

    global $user ,$base_url;
    if(!$user->uid) {
   $flag_link = flag_flag_link($flag, $action, $content_id);

   $flag_url = $flag_link['href'];
    if(isset($flag_link['query']['token'])) {

    $flag_url .= '?'.$flag_link['query']['token'];


  <a href="<?php echo $base_url;?>/user/login?destination=<?php echo      current_path();?>">MY-LINK</a>
  • unfortunately It's didn't work for me. but when I'm using below code, It's work but always shows "0" flag. <?php $flag = flag_get_flag('bookmarks'); if ($flag) { print "Number of flag"; print $flag->get_count($node->nid); } ?> . This Code work when I using It in tpl.php file of content type but It didn't work in Views. I mean this code in tpl.php file shows number of flags but in views only shows "0".
    – Hamed
    Commented Apr 29, 2016 at 8:34
  • i have the solution and i knows why its showing 0
    – user52318
    Commented Apr 29, 2016 at 9:13
  • Dear @vicky8888 I edited my question
    – Hamed
    Commented Apr 29, 2016 at 11:41
  • use the exact code whatever i editted and then let me know,forget your code whatever you written for some time
    – user52318
    Commented Apr 29, 2016 at 12:20
  • if still it dont work then it may b issue of search api or it may be doing some mistake while configuring modules
    – user52318
    Commented Apr 29, 2016 at 12:55

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