I got handed over a drupal 7 site with two branches, one is now in production and other is dev. I am working on dev and had to create new content types and made changes existing content types.

In the meantime other users made some changes to content-type and content. Administration want to merge content types and retain the latest content.
What is the workflow to do this kind of stuff.
In the past I only had to clone whole site so I used rsync to sync file and export/import db.

This looks like way more complicated than I anticipated as both sites have same content types but with some degree of variation in field names and types.

From my current Drupal knowledge it seems like a very complex task.

Where should I start and which approach/technique should I use?

I went through other answers and found that the Node export module can export the node but how can I export the content and map the fields from one content type to another ?

  • It's hard to help when we don't know your Drupal version.
    – No Sssweat
    Commented May 3, 2016 at 4:37

1 Answer 1


Node Export

Looks like you are already familiar with the Node export module, allows users to export nodes and then import it into another Drupal installation.

Bundle copy

The Bundle copy module has support for export/import of:

  • Node types.
  • Taxonomy.
  • User.
  • Field API fields.
  • Field groups.

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