IN a related question, "How to set image style for media browser in node edit form?" one response noted that "Once you have chosen the image and clicked save and the overlay is closed, images are display in the "Media thumbnail" image style."

How can I change this automatic behavior such that the preview image is displayed in my custom image style?

1 Answer 1


If you are using the Media module, I couldn't find a way to change it so it doesn't use the "Media thumbnail" image style. But what you could do is edit the "Media thumbnail" image style by going to /admin/config/media/image-styles/edit/media_thumbnail and clicking on the override button which will let you edit it to your liking. (Tested on Drupal 7)

If you're not using the Media module, you can by going to your content type's Manage Fields and clicking on edit for your image field. Scroll down a bit until you see Preview image style

enter image description here

  • Thank you, @sssweat. I would like to change the thumbnail for one content type. If I override the default Media thumbnail, the preview image style will change in all content types.
    – mastoll
    Commented Jul 1, 2016 at 13:23

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