I have two content type, Bill (Type1) and Cash Receipts (Type2), Type2 referencing Type1 when cash is received.
In Type1 I have date field called (Bill Issue date), and Type2 I have date field cash receipt date.
So I want to calculate, different between those two dates. I was trying by creating views with two date (by entity reference relationship), then subtract two filed with math expression field, but it return zero.
Actually, I have no idea whether I was wrong or Its not possible to calculate different between dates with views math expression field?
I think, it can be done with Computed Field, I did one within same content type, but I don’t know how to access a field from different content type, please help.
Code that I was used to calculate date for same content type, but how I can access a field from other content type?
If the Machine name of your date-field is 'field_example_date', then the Computed Code (PHP) would be
$startdate = $entity->field_example_date['und'][0]['value']; // Value of start-date
$enddate = $entity->field_example_date['und'][0]['value2']; // Value of end-date
$datediff = strtotime($enddate) - strtotime($startdate);
/* The PHP Function STRTOTIME parses the english textual datetime description
* into a Unix timestamp
$num_leaves = $datediff/(60*60*24);
/* Since we need the number of days IN-BETWEEN,
* we divide the resultant difference by 60*60*24 .
* Incase of counting no.of days "FROM" to "TO" days, add 1 to the above result.
* $num_leaves = $datediff/(60*60*24) + 1;
$entity_field[0]['value'] = $num_leaves;
The Display Code (PHP) will have
$display_output = $entity_field_item['value'];