I'm using a twig template for a custom block that have images to link to specific nodes. I actually have the node IDs, however generating a relative link doesn't always work. Some pages are using aliases like so and some are using nodes like so using the same relative link doesn't always work. Note that my drupal instance is within a /web/ folder and not at just
My twig template looks like this
<div class="row columns">
{% for key, image in imageurl %}
<div class="large-4 medium-3 column">
<a href="./node/{{ nid[key] }}">
<img src="../sites/default/files/{{ image }}"/>
{{ block_title[key] }}
{% endfor %}
When it appears on the link is
When it appears on the link is
The image has the same issue, since 'image' only contains the filename. Is there a way I can automatically generate a link based on a node ID and a file that I know the path to, to account for URLs that may contain aliases?