but I want to keep record of this, it mean the property detail page would always shows the previous tenant and owner information. And later that I want to show the reviews of user under owner and tenant tabs.
- The initial question sounds simple but the added comment turns it
into a fairly complicated site build which I believe is outside the
scope of StackExchange questions. I'm just going to give the OP a brief overview of what I would do. Mods, feel free to edit or whatever you need to do.
So along with normal fields like images, locations etc., you need a place to store all of the information relating to each owner or tenant in each property.. The screenshot below gives a basic example of this.
Field Collection will let you store this information. You should have one field collection for owners and another for tenants. All reviews etc. of each person will have to be inside a field collection. Or reference a field collection using the module below.
Entity Reference will let you reference the people and vice versa. You'll use this a massive amount on a site like this for almost everything.
Entity Forms + Rules should allow tenants / owners to create property and also add themselves to a property by creating field collections from form data. You don't want to give them the ability to change other people's data so forms are essential.
Entity Reference Prepopulate will be essential for pre-filling form data and then disabling or hiding fields. This way, people can't view the workings of your site and more importantly, add and edit whatever they like. (for a regular end-user anyway).
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Anyways, that should be enough for you to look at for a couple of months. Good luck!