I’m trying to create a hit counter for each published node. I’ve been googling this feature for Drupal 6.x and tried a few hits but with no luck.
I’ve enabled the Statistics module for my site and under admin/reports/settings I’ve enabled the counter but can’t seem to figure out how to put a hit counter on each overview page and node page.
I found a post explaining that I could use a customize query as such SELECT count(*) from accesslog where node = node
but when I navigate to my database, the access log is empty (don’t know if it require to some time to enable the page / hit counter).
I want to count every hit and not only unique hits so each time a person access a node it should “just” increment a visitor number and I want to show it within my node-templates (not block) for some specific node content types.
I might miss something but any help or suggestions would really be appreciated.