I am using Drupal 6 and I got a node form for a content type. I want to alter the other content type node form inside the first one; is that possible?
4 Answers
You can also use Flexifield to get 2 content types on the same form.
Like docs says:
You define a field combination by creating a node type and adding fields to it. On a different node type, you can add a flexifield, and then on its configuration form, specify which node types to use as items within the field.
You may implement hook_form_alter to add some custom fields (Take a look at FAPI) that should represent your second type fields, and treat them in hook_nodeapi with $op presave, (as mentioned by dobeerman).
To save the fields you previously set in your form as new or even and existing node, you may create/load a node object and save them with node_save.
If you want to add values from 1st form to 2nd form you can use hook_nodeapi() to altering 2nd content types node.
function mymodule_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL){
case 'presave':
if($node->type == MY_NODE_TYPE){
// $other_node = node_load($other_nid);
// or
// $other_node = new stdClass();
// $other_node->title = ...
// ...
// some code to altering other node
// $other_node = node_submit($other_node);
// node_save($other_node);
you can take a look at this module http://drupal.org/project/formblock
Some details from the module's project page:
Enables the presentation of user registration, site wide contact, or node creation forms in blocks. This is particularly useful for including forms on panels.
Or just use drush en formblock -y