I have a vocabulary with states and cities, where city are children of state:
I have an exposed filter with depth. How can I show parent term after child? For example, like this:
I'm confused because the array has no relation between parent and child. For example, this is the form array select box:
{ #type: "select", #options: { 0: { option: { 17: "Aragon" } }, 1: { option: { 21: "-Barbastro" } }, 2: { option: { 20: "-Calatayud" } }, 3: { option: { 19: "-Zaragoza" } }, 4: { option: { 16: "Cataluña" } }, 5: { option: { 22: "-Barcelona" } }, 6: { option: { 24: "-Girona" } }, 7: { option: { 23: "-Tarragona" } }, 8: { option: { 18: "Valencia" } }, 9: { option: { 26: "-Alicante" } }, 10: { option: { 27: "-Elche" } }, 11: { option: { 25: "-Valencia" } }, All: "- Any -" }, #size: "", #default_value: "All" },