Secondary menu - this is the system secondary menu title. I need to replace it with current username, the same as the User menu block has it.

I do not want to use the User menu block because of some reasons. I would like to use the deafault system menu:

<?php if ($secondary_menu): ?>
  <div id="secondary-menu" class="navigation">
    <?php print theme('links__system_secondary_menu', array(
      'links' => $secondary_menu,
      'attributes' => array(
        'id' => 'secondary-menu-links',
        'class' => array('links', 'inline', 'clearfix'),
      'heading' => array(
        'text' => t('Secondary menu'),
        'level' => 'h2',
        'class' => array('element-invisible'),
    )); ?>
  </div> <!-- /#secondary-menu -->
<?php endif; ?>

Should I use token [current-user:name]? If so, then where (file name) and how?

Note: I can not do it directly at /admin/structure/menu/manage/user-menu/edit because Menu name field is inactive.

  • So, are you just want instead of My account it will show the current login user-name in the default secondary menu? What drupal version are you using?
    – CodeNext
    Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 5:44
  • No! I need to replace the system title - Secondary menu - with username. I can not do it directly at /admin/structure/menu/manage/user-menu/edit because Menu name field is inactive. Drupal 7. Thank you
    – ttt
    Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 5:59
  • but Secondary menu word does not appear in the User interface anywhere as far as I know. Secondary menu show, only My account and Logout While User Menu Block will show menu-title User menu then two list My account and Logout. These five thing appears to user. out of these which one you wan tot change.
    – CodeNext
    Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 6:15
  • This is hided by CSS. Look at HTML and you can see it - Secondary menu. I need to replace it with username.
    – ttt
    Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 6:34
  • /** * Override or insert variables into the block template. */ function bartik_preprocess_block(&$variables) { // In the header region visually hide block titles. if ($variables['block']->region == 'header') { $variables['title_attributes_array']['class'][] = 'element-invisible'; } }
    – ttt
    Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 6:37

1 Answer 1


I think you can simply do this by making change in page.tpl.php file.

Just replace,

'text' => t('Secondary menu'),


'text' => t($user->name),

save and clear cache.

Image-1: Before changing code (I have deleted line 'class' => array('element-invisible'), so text can be visible)

enter image description here

Image-2: After change,

enter image description here

Final code,

<?php if ($secondary_menu): ?>
      <div id="secondary-menu" class="navigation">
        <?php print theme('links__system_secondary_menu', array(
          'links' => $secondary_menu,
          'attributes' => array(
            'id' => 'secondary-menu-links',
            'class' => array('links', 'inline', 'clearfix'),
          'heading' => array(
            //'text' => t('Secondary menu'),
            'text' => t($user->name),
            'level' => 'h2',
            //'class' => array('element-invisible'),
        )); ?>
      </div> <!-- /#secondary-menu -->
    <?php endif; ?>
  • CodeNext, thank you! This is exactly what I need :)
    – ttt
    Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 10:35
  • Yes your answer is very helpful but I do not know how to close it and how to up-vote. Pls advice :)
    – ttt
    Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 10:42
  • I tried to do it but not sure if it was done because I am not registered here on this site. Later I will register (sign up) and will do all the neccessary things.
    – ttt
    Commented Oct 4, 2016 at 10:57

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