The scenario is :

I've implemented a menu using hook_menu and in that page it checks if user have access to creating certain content type (called request) if he/she does have access it will load content creation page using drupal_get_form else it checks if user is not logged in, in this case it loads user_login_block, again with drupal_get_form function, finally if user is logged in and still does not have access to create content type, it shows a message about that.

the problem is : I want user redirect to this same page after login, it redirects to user/uid by default.

This is the code for my page provider function :

Global $user;
$content = "";
if(user_access('create request content')){
module_load_include('inc', 'node', 'node.pages');
$node_form = new stdClass;
$node_form->type = 'request';
$node_form->language = LANGUAGE_NONE;
$form = drupal_get_form("request_node_form", $node_form);
$content .= drupal_render($form);
if($user->uid == 0) {
  $login_form = drupal_get_form('user_login_block');
  $login_form['redirect'] = drupal_get_destination();//What I did to get form redirected, but no chance
  $content = '<p>For better controlling on your project flow consider signing in before submitting your file.</p>';      
  $content .= drupal_render($login_form);
  $content = "Unfortunately only user of role customer can submit a request.report any problem by sending email to --------";
return $content;

I also tried Login Destination but it neither worked.

1 Answer 1


There are several methods to redirect user to specified url after login

You can use Rules

Events: User has logged in.<br/>
Condition: User has role<br/>
Actions: Page redirect<br/><br/>

Another one with drupal api:

   function hook_user_login(&$edit, $account) {   
     $edit['redirect'] = 'yourpath';

if it not worked try to change $GLOBALS['destination'] with

function hook_user_login(&$edit, $account)  {
  $GLOBALS['destination'] = 'yourpath';

Also you can use Login Redirect module

Overview A simple module providing a method to redirect users according to an URL-defined parameter after logging in. Allows redirects toward non-Drupal location.


Lightweight and minimal configuration. No module dependencies!
Allows custom URL parameter name
Filters XSS URL input

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