I am able to list blogs by a specific user, e.g. /blog/123 - where 123 is the uid, but when I use /blog/0 I get access denied.

Can someone advise on a config setting to enable /blog/0 to list blogs by anonymous user (i.e. uid = 0), please?

I could implement a hook or override the View or something, just wanted to check if there isn't a config setting somewhere. I couldn't see one, looking so far.

1 Answer 1


The blog route blog/%user_uid_optional route provided by the blog module performs a few checks in blog_page_user_access():

  // The visitor must be able to access the site's content.
  // For a blog to 'exist' the user must either be able to
  // create new blog entries, or it must have existing posts.
  return $account->uid && 
         user_access('access content') && 
         (user_access('create blog content', $account) ||      

The $account->uid part of the conditional check will preclude access to blog/0 even if anonymous users can create blogs posts.

A module evoking hook_menu_alter() you can override this route behavior by providing your own access callback that excludes the $account->uid check:

 * Implements hook_menu_alter().
function MYMODULE_menu_alter(&$items) {
  if (isset($items['blog/%user_uid_optional'])) {
    $items['blog/%user_uid_optional']['access callback'] = 'MYMODULE_blog_page_user_access';

function MYMODULE_blog_page_user_access($account) {
  return user_access('access content') && (user_access('create blog content', $account) || _blog_post_exists($account));
  • +1 upvote and accepted answer: 1) it explains why the URL is not possible out-of-the-boc 2) provides a solution. Thank you! Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 7:32

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