I'm showing products using Views and there is Ajax enabled, so I have ajax pager. Add to cart form with quantity is added in View as Product Reference field.

Everything is ok until I change page, after that + and - button doesn't work, but add to cart button working as usual.

I'm using Commerce Extra module in order to get + and - for quantity field.

Does someone had any experience with this or maybe idea how to resolve this problem?

  • Just try enabling or disabling Use AJAX in view setting
    – Bipin K
    Commented Nov 2, 2016 at 8:48
  • Yes, of course, if I disable Ajax then everything working ok, but I need that Ajax functionality in Views because I need exposed filters and pager to work through Ajax...
    – mixerowsky
    Commented Nov 10, 2016 at 13:01


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