Pre-requisite knowledge:
I have a view of type Content which is meant to list the most recently viewed product variations (commerce product entities that the product node references) first. I am using the sort order criteria - Content statistics: Most recent view (desc).
I understand that this view should ideally have been of type Commerce Product and sort order criteria as Entity statistics: Most recent view (desc) (provided by Entity Statistics module).
But the real problem is that only the product node page is viewed by the user, not the commerce product page. So the Statistics module (which comes with Drupal 7 core) logs the node view but Entity Statistics does not log the commerce product entity view. So even on using Entity Statistics - Most recent view (desc) sort criteria, the most recently viewed product variation doesn't appear first in view results.
Should I build a custom sort criteria for this purpose? If so, need help in how to do so and in which hook exactly.
Any workarounds or other suggestions are welcome as well!