I'm trying to change the background image of my site based on what node the user is viewing (not just what node type, but specifically what node). I have added an image field to my node type called background image. Basically, I'm trying to go into my html.tpl.php file and inject a style right into the body tag, for isstance
I'm hoping to grab the image field from node that is loaded, but I'm having trouble figureing out hoe to access a nodes field from the html.tpl.php file (i need to do it from here becuase that's where the body tag is). I've added a pre-process function to my template to try and find the correct field, but i've hit a dead end
function mytheme_preprocess_html(&$vars) {
the array that is traced makes no sense to me, and I'm unable to find the field. Is there a better way to do this