Use case: a small site where I want to warn all users by mail whenever a new content of a particular type is created. I thought I would try Rules+Actions to handle this.
I'm working on a vanilla Drupal 8 test site on my workstation, so there is just "Article" and "Basic Page".
I've installed the Rules module ok. I've looked at several videos explaining how this works in Drupal 7 and they looked reasonable straightforward. Now I'm trying to do something in D8 and finding it less than obvious.
Specifically, I've created the rule to fire when new content is created, and now I'm on a page editing Condition, where I want to specify that the node type is "Article". Using "Data selection" mode in the "Entity" field I select "node.type". This seems logical, but what on earth do I put in "Type"? No matter what I put I get a message something like this: "Data selector node.entity for context Entity is invalid. Unable to apply data selector 'entity' at 'entity' " - which is about as unexplicit as you can get.
Maybe I'm jumping the gun and Rules is not usable yet? Or maybe I've just not understood it at all...
But I would really appreciate if somebody could explain to me what seems quite straightforward in principle. How do I add a condition to my Rule that will cause the rule to fire only on a specific content type?