In a Drupal 8 testclass I am trying to install the bootstrap theme (v 8.x-3.1). It is saved in the /theme directory. No problem when using the UI. Unfortunately I get an error in the test when I try to install it with this code:
* Anytest
* @group proreos
* @runTestsInSeparateProcesses
* @preserveGlobalState disabled
class CalculatorControllerTest extends BrowserTestBase {
public function setUp() {
The test exits with the following error:
PHPunit Test failed to complete; Error: PHPUnit 4.8.27 by Sebastian
Bergmann and contributors.
There was 1 error:
Drupal\Core\Config\Schema\SchemaIncompleteException: Schema errors for
bootstrap.settings with the following errors: bootstrap.settings:schemas
missing schema
Any advice on this? Anyone tried to install bootstrap in an PHPUnit test sucessfully?