I am nearly finished with my website on Drupal 8, and one last thing I have to do is optimize the search function. At this moment the search function only searches for node titles.
What I want to achieve is that the visitor can search by words and that the node will be shown as the search result. My website only has 7 seven pages at the moment, and will never grow beyond 10+ pages.
Example : I have a page about motorbikes( lets call the page motorbikes), in this page are some text blocks with motorbike brands like : yamaha and harley davidson and kawasaki. Now if the user is on the homepage and searches for kawasaki it should return the page motorbikes.
At this point the user would have to search for the page name, which in this case is motorbikes, to find the page.
So in short: I want to have a search function that searches the whole site for 1 or multiple words and then displays the page in which the words are found.
Can you guys help me on how to approach this problem, I don't need any code, just a little bit of guidance. Thanks in advance for any help !