I have a mysql table as below..
The data in the table is as follows,
I want to get the total calorie by a user on a particular day (let's say Feb 20). I execute the below query to get the result.
SELECT sum( calorie ) AS sum
FROM test
WHERE extract(DAY FROM date ) = 20 AND extract(MONTH FROM date ) = 02
AND extract(year FROM date) = 2012
AND user_name = 'akshaynhegde';
The result I get is...1500 (as sum), which is exactly what I want. How do I execute this query in Drupal 7? I know how to execute it in Drupal 6, but I just upgraded to Drupal 7 and I am having many difficulty in executing queries.
//////////////////////MY ANSWER//////////////////////////////////
Here is a working Drupal & style code for the above query...
$query = db_select('test', 't')
->condition('t.user_name', 'akshaynhegde', '=');
$query->addExpression('SUM(calorie)', 'sum');
$query->where('EXTRACT(DAY FROM date) = :day', array('day' => '20');
$query->where('EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) = :month', array('month' => '02');
$query->where('EXTRACT(year FROM date) = :year', array('year' => '2012');
$result = $query->execute()->fetchAll();