In Ubercart, the uc_order view (admin/structure/views/view/uc_orders) uses exposed filters for status and order ID.

I can add another filter, for example username, email and so on by clicking on Add filter criteria and selecting the criteria (user:username, user:email).

I need to add a filter to filter orders by the roles assigned to customers. There is no option such as user:roles in the filter criteria list to select.

How can I achieve this?

2 Answers 2


By configuring the Access: section on the Page settings, we can manage Page: Access restrictions.

Choose the Roles and assign the required user role.

  • No, I don't want to restrict access to this page. I want to allow the administrator to filter orders by the selected customer roles. I need to add an exposed filter.
    – Axel Stone
    Commented Mar 15, 2017 at 8:14
  • Using hooks you can alter the views.
    – developer
    Commented Mar 15, 2017 at 8:21

The solution is to open "advanced" section, add new "relationship" marked as "order:customer". After this new options in "add filter" will be available. So click at "add filter" and select "user:role" and set it as "exposed to users".

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