I have a staged import that I can't apply and I would like to get rid of it and be clean in my configuration management screen. How do I get rid of the staged import? Can I go to sync folder and delete the .yml files and the export the current configuration again? I am extremely nervous about breaking the site. I know it is saved in the db but I don't want to go in and delete it from there either, unless that is an option. I wont be able to apply any other import because of this staged one sitting here.
1 Answer
If you export the configuration again current configuration files should be deleted and new ones will be created with the configuration hold in your database.
Anyway you should make a backup first, just in case. You can use drush for this. Use drush archive for a complete backup (including files):
drush ard
Use drush sql-dump to backup only the database:
drush sql-dump > /patch/to/new/file/with/db-dump