
Hi I am trying to disable all the form elements of the form. I am using this code to disable the form .

foreach (element_children($form) as $key) {  
  $form[$key]['#disabled'] = TRUE; 
    $form['#attributes'] = array('disabled' => TRUE);
    drupal_set_message("Website is currently in read only mode. During this it is not possible to change site content", "warning");

It is working for textbox, radios and submit button but not for the select list and checkbox. What shall I do?

1 Answer 1


In a word: recurse.

function _disable_self_and_descendants(&$el) {
  $el['#disabled'] = TRUE;

  foreach (element_children($el) as $key) {

  • this is not working for me. I tried. May be I am doing something wrong Commented May 11, 2017 at 6:27

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