I'm trying to write a simple twig extension to render a menu inside twig template files.
I created a custom module for this purpose. It's folder structure looks like this:
The *.info
file is a standard file, the *.services
files looks like this:
class: Drupal\MenuRender\MenuRenderExtension
- { name: twig.extension }
And the MenuRenderExtension
class is as follows:
namespace Drupal\MenuRender;
class MenuRenderExtension extends \Twig_Extension {
public function getName() {
return 'MODULE.twig_extension';
* @return array
public function getFunctions() {
return [
new \Twig_SimpleFunction('renderMenu', [$this, 'renderMenu'])
* Provides function to programmatically rendering a menu
* @param String $menu_name
* The machine configuration id of the menu to render
public function renderMenu($menu_name) {
// 50+ lines so i cut this part as it's mostly clean PHP
I am constantly getting this error msg in apache's error log
Service 'menurender.twig_extension' for consumer 'twig' does not implement Twig_ExtensionInterface
Any one have a clue ? p.s. new to drupal8
, too. See: cgit.drupalcode.org/twig_blocks/tree/src/Twig/…