I found some code here: What's the best practice to show a node's fields in different regions? Placed this in my [theme_name].theme
function THEME_preprocess_region(&$variables) {
//TODO: change for you region name
if ($variables['region'] == 'sidebar_right') {
if ($node = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('node')) {
//TODO: change for you node type
if ($node->getType() == 'article') {
//If you need a flag for this type
$variables['is_article'] = TRUE;
//Here is your field
$variables['node_field'] = $node->get('field_descricao')->view();
{% if node_field %}
{{ node_field }}
{% endif %}
Placed in region--footer.html.twig
(or the equivalent for whatever region you declared above). Obviously, field_descricao
is the field you are rendering and node_field
is whatever you wish your new variable to be.
This returns a link to my content (which is no longer an image but a node reference). I'm still looking for a way to render the full content, but this is closer than I was.
Any additional insight greatly appreciated!