Recent versions of Feeds (since 7.x-2.0-beta1) will try to import as many items as it can per cron run. Imports can be ran on cron runs by either using the "Process in background" option or by setting the "Periodic import" option.
By default, Feeds indeed imports items in batches of 50, but on each cron run Feeds will try to run as many batches as it can one minute.
If you want Feeds to run longer than one minute on each cron run, you can do so by altering the time limit of the queue 'feeds_source_import' by implementing hook_cron_queue_info_alter()
* Implements hook_cron_queue_info_alter().
function mymodule_cron_queue_info_alter(&$queues) {
// Run Feeds imports at max. 5 minutes per cron run.
$queues['feeds_source_import']['time'] = 300;
You can also increase the batch size by setting the 'feeds_process_limit' variable:
// Process 250 items per batch.
variable_set('feeds_process_limit', 250);
Do so only if you are using an alternative way of importing the data (as on cron runs Feeds will already try to import multiple batches).
Finally, the dev version of Feeds has improved support for larger files downloaded with the HTTP Fetcher. I'm still working on the issue that a large CSV file must be completely imported within 6 hours. If you need more than 6 hours to complete the import (for example: if cron doesn't run often), try the patch from